OREGON Marriage and Family Therapists
As stated in state guidelines 833-080-0031 Continuing Education Content, acceptable CEUs include:
“Continuing education must be a learning activity that contributes directly to the professional competence of the licensee.
(1) Continuing education content must focus on increasing knowledge and/or skills in the following substantive areas relevant to the field:
(a) Counseling or marriage and family therapy theory & techniques;
(b) Human development and family studies;
(c) Social and cultural foundations in counseling or marriage and family therapy;
(d) The helping relationship;
(e) Group dynamics;
(f) Life style and career development;
(g) DSM diagnosis and assessment;
(h) Research and evaluation;
(i) Professional orientation and ethics;
(j) Professional supervision training;
(k) Disability and life transitions;
(l) Substance abuse;
(m) Psychopharmacology;
(n) Diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.
(2) The program must be conducted by a qualified instructor or discussion leader, which means a person whose background, training, education, or experience makes it appropriate for the person to make a presentation or lead a discussion on the subject matter.
(3) A record of attendance, such as a certificate of completion, must be obtained.”
CEU Love is a California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)-approved Continuing Education Provider (CEPA) for the Board of Behavioral Sciences’ licensees in compliance with the California Code of Regulations Title 16 §1887 et seq.; Provider #136347
You can purchase an all-access pass and earn all of the CEUs that we offer for a low price of only $59! You can get access here:
Remember that state laws can change. It is YOUR responsibility to determine your state licensing requirements.
Review all of the specifics from your licensing board here: https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/displayDivisionRules.action?selectedDivision=3739