Online continuing education provider for mental health professionals by real professionals with real clinical experience.

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MAINE Clinical Professional Counselors

As stated in state guidelines Chapter 7-A CONTINUING EDUCATION, acceptable CEUs include:
“Eligible Continuing Education Activities; Documentation Continuing education activities directly relating to the theory and practice of professional counseling may be offered by departments of regionally-accredited institutions, by national, state or local professional organizations or associations, by public or private human services organizations, or by private consultants or individuals. All continuing education activities completed by a licensee, including informal home study, formal home study courses and online, internet and other distance learning programs, must be documented by a signed certificate issued by the sponsor or peer consultant, an official academic transcript, or other reliable written proof of completion that is acceptable to the board. The documentation must include the date and time span of the activity, the name of the presenter, course or program, and the number of contact hours earned. The licensee’s attestation of completion of continuing education is subject to audit pursuant to Chapter 13 of the rules of the Office of Licensing and Registration, entitled “Uniform Rule for the Substantiation of Continuing Education Requirements.”

CEU Love is a California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)-approved Continuing Education Provider (CEPA) for the Board of Behavioral Sciences’ licensees in compliance with the California Code of Regulations Title 16 §1887 et seq.; Provider #136347

You can purchase an all-access pass and earn all of the CEUs that we offer for a low price of only $59! You can get access here:

Remember that state laws can change. It is YOUR responsibility to determine your state licensing requirements.

Review all of the specifics from your licensing board here: